Here you will find example apps. This list is continuously growing.
1. Completions
Treatment Plot: Completion Treatment Plot
This is an app that contains a basic Treatment Plot component. It is a real-time, HighCharts Line graph with 3 series - Pressure, Flow Rate, and Proppant Concentration sourced from the Corva completions.wits collection.
This example can be added to any Front End Dev Center App. The only prop that this Treatment Plot component needs is the asset id. Context has been implemented so you can use this value and others across all children and across different charts if needed.
Treatment Plot
2. Drilling
Drilling WITS Line Graph: Drilling WITS
This is an app that contains a basic line graph that renders data from four of Corva’s drilling collections: wits.summary-6h, wits-summary-30m, wits-summary-1m, wits-summary-1ft. The y-axis of this graph represents hole depth in feet. The x-axis of this graph represents time in hh:mm.
The value of this example app is not the data, but the architecture of the app. This is a great app to clone into your local environment to get an in depth look at how an app is built in Dev Center.
The user can change the data that is being requested in the API and Websocket as well as the graph type e.g. bar chart, pie chart, etc. This app can be refactored to visualize all differenct types of data in Corva, so get creative and enjoy!
Drilling WITS